Sep 20, 2010


Due to my limited knowledge of blogging, the limitations of this blog program design parameters and because I personally like maps, I have set this blog up differently from others that you may have seen and used. I hope you enjoy this format. 

Please use this area to ask me questions or make comments about our travels. I will use this section also to respond back to you.

If you would like to contact me privately, please use this email address.

Thanks, regards, Mark


  1. Great looking Blog. Much more interesting than just text. Looking forward to your progress.


  2. You and Michael will have a great adventure and Nanci and I look forward to following you.


  3. Hi Mark, Your Dad just gave us your blog link and I'm really enjoying reading it. Seems like you two are having lots of adventures. I'm surprised that Argentina photos show a really barren land. I was expecting it to be lush and green. Have a safe trip. We'll be following your travels.
    Shirley and Randy Trites
