Mar 10, 2011

Coffee plantation education

March 6, 2011

Up normal time, about 8am and type some blogs. Michael is up later. Arrive at the coffee shop for the coffee plantation tour.  Jen, her friend/roommate and her mother arrive later. Tour begins about 1:30pm and are taken to the coffee shop owner's farm, where he explains the coffee history, the growing process, the 5 step cleaning process and the growing process.  Aliandro explains that their farm won the UN's 2008 award for being the most sustainable coffee farm in the world. They make their own sugar from sugar cane, make methane for cooking and compost all of the coffee bean parts. I will never drink another cup of coffee without thinking of all the work that people do to bring this drink to our lips. Very fascinating and informative. Then back to the coffee shop for him to show us the roasting process. Can't remember the numbers but the roasting process is very precise. Michael and I both agree that this is the best coffee we have ever tasted. Then a quick clean up and off to Jen's for a wonderful dinner. Very much enjoyed seeing Jen Boss in her little part of heaven..

Traditional Coffee cart to take the beans to market

Aliandro, Jen and the sugar extractor

Rendering pot and molds for sugar

Coffee cherry with the beans spit out

Digests the miusula (sticky sugar around the bean inside the cherry)

Machine to remove the cherry and miusula

Machine to remove 2 layers of skin from the coffee beans and size them.
These skins are like what you find around a peanut.

Aliandro and his roaster

Roasted coffee beans. They double in size after being roasted.
500 lbs of coffee cherries yields about 70-75 lbs of roasted beans.

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