Mar 24, 2011

Second last border crossing!

March 21, 2011

Second last border crossing! Michael and I couldn't sleep well. Up at about 3:30am, so watched a movie. On the road just after 7am.. Got to the border and the lineup was about 2kms long. Street venders told us to go down the fast lane, we didn't disagree and jumped to the front of the line. Right after entering the USA, Michael yells on the CB, scares me because he saw an IHOP and we hadn't eaten yet. Stop for gas and my bike is leaking oil. Down the road another hour and and my batteries die. We stop at a rest area to swap out the battery with Michael's battery. Confirmed my bike's oil is leaking and topped it up. Down the road and it starts to rain. Don our rain gear and we arrived at our friends (Bill and Susan) in Phoenix about 2 pm. Turns out that the output shaft seal on the engine is leaking. Michael suggests buying a truck and loading the bike on. When we get home, he has a vehicle.

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