Oct 11, 2010

Antofagasto to Arica

Day 8, Oct 11, 2010 Thanks Giving.

Had a great sleep and Michael is feeling better. We rode 750 km today from Antofagasta to Arica. Along the coast to Iquique and then back on to the Pan American Highway. Boy have we been served up a platter of desert and sand. All types. rocks with sand , mountains of sand and rock, plains of sand that make the ones that I rode through in the USA look minuscule in comparison. Saw beaches of sand and towns of sand. Yes, TOWNS of sand. Vegetation is few and far between. Temperature has been mostly about 15-18 c but at one point was up to 32c. Then the side winds, wow!! Anyway, we got to Arica got gas, asked for directions for a hotel and found a nice one right away. Then walked down onto the Centro and found comfort food, (Mcdonalds). Michael knew he could digest it, so what the heck.

Tomorrow we cross the Peru Boarder.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you could be on the moon! Feel better soon, Michael!! Susan and Doug.
